Our team.


Brandon Selvey, PT, DPT, CSCS

Dr. Brandon Selvey is a Ventura native with a passion for athletics who, after completing his academic and athletic career, returned to Ventura to establish his home town’s first all-inclusive athletic performance enhancement facility. He grew up playing football for the Ventura Packers and Buena Bulldogs. After high school he continued his education and football career at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, playing all four years before graduating with honors and receiving his B.S. in exercise science with a business administration minor. Following undergrad, he attended Chapman University from which he received a degree as a Doctor of Physical Therapy. While in graduate school, he was certified as a strength and conditioning specialist through the NSCA. He now strives to bridge the gap between movement science and strength and conditioning to enable the student athletes of Ventura to reach their full potential.

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Tyler Waid, CSCS

Tyler grew up in Camarillo, California and began playing team sports at the age of 5. Unfamiliar with the term offseason, growing up Tyler rotated through football, baseball, and basketball throughout his high school years. Tyler played baseball for two years at Oxnard College and went on to graduate from California Lutheran University in 2018. Immediately following graduation, Tyler accepted a coaching position with the Adolfo Camarillo High School Baseball Program.

His passion for coaching immediately took off from there. In September of 2019, Tyler connected with Brandon at The Vent here in Ventura. Once a part of the team, Tyler earned his CSCS and quickly acquired the position of head coach. Since then, Tyler has earned The Ready State 101 and 102 certifications and is currently working on the Power Athlete HQ Level 1 methodology course. Using expertise from his accumulated training, Tyler also held the position of Strength and Conditioning coach for the Ventura College Baseball Program. Tyler’s passion is to work with athletes to reach their maximum potential. Through years of personal expertise, Tyler finds the importance of strength and conditioning to play a vital part in an athlete’s personal success and in injury prevention. At Movement Medicine, Tyler looks forward to meeting new athletes and being a part of their athletic journey.